Evolution entropy snowflakes life and ideal gas You may freely copy any of my files and print it out provided you keep my Email and web address on it.

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Evolution entropy snowflakes life and ideal gas.
by Ernest.

Many outdated ideas are still used to support the evolution hypothesis.
Mis-applied notions on gas, solar energy, entropy, life etc leave evolutionists
open to ridicule by creationists. It is time evolutionists ditched bad claims.

A rebuttal of Frank Steiger's thermodynamics web page, as it was mid 1999,
based on his misconceptions.

A Rebuttal to Tim Wallace's Web Page Remarks

The following is a rebuttal to the statements in Tim Wallace's web site "www.Trueorigins.org" in which he attacks my thermodynamics web page

As I wanted to comment on virtually everything Frank Steiger said, I have interleaved my comments with his. This involves some repetition as there is repetition in his file.
This is partly in laymans terms to try to clarify it as some people juggle the scientific information and concepts as separate pieces of data and never get it to coalesce into one easy understandable concept. References are given for those who want more exacting scientific data.
To clarify the comments mine start with
and end with.

Frank starts:-

Wallace echoes the creationist propaganda that evolution violates the second law of thermodynamics, which states that a thermodynamics property called entropy can never spontaneously decrease.


There is no known example of entropy spontaneously decreasing in the living realm, which is what creationists must be referring to as it is about the evolution of life, and not in any way about the non-living, physical systems realm. Evolutionists cause confusion and misunderstanding because they treat both realms as if they are identical, ie: that life reacts the same as rocks and gas. As you will see Frank (and evolutionists in general) has a fixation on "ideal gas" which he uses to try to prove that life should obey the same laws, in exactly the same way as a gas, and be processed through the same equations, looking only at aspects that apply to the non-living, and not considering how it applies to the various aspects of the living. Both do obey the laws of thermodynamics, both suffer from entropy, but the aspects that are important are vastly different, so the way in which the calculations are done must be different.

His, and evolutionists in general, reasoning is that if radiation from the sun can raise the temperature of the ideal gas, or any other body, and this can be calculated as an entropy decrease, because there is now more heat that can do work, that bombarding life forms with the sun's radiation must also be an entropy decrease, even if it desiccates the life form into oblivion. But this does not increase the information or complexity of the life form, which is what creationists are referring to.

The problem is the measurement of the aspect that matters in the application being considered. If you are operating a coal-fired steam engine then the temperature is all-important, the intricacies of the pressure regulation or valves is not a part of consideration at the moment, for the completion of this trip. Our dog often lies out in the sun and eventually gets too hot, and moves into the shade. If we now process this through the same formula as the "ideal gas" then the hot dog has had an entropy decrease as it now has more heat that can be used to do work, according to the formula. But we know that the dog is now too hot to do anything, and in fact lost energy in having to move into the shade. This cannot do anything useful in the realm of evolution, it won't add any useful information to the dog's DNA, it won't cause an improvement in the breed. Heat is not relevant to evolution, provided the temperature is satisfactory for the species.

What creationists are pointing out is that entropy applies to everything, and unless there is some factor or force which for the moment is overcoming the tendency for entropy to increase, everything is on a downhill path towards wearing out, decay, or losing its useful potential. Life is different from non-life in that life and the DNA instructions, and the processing equipment in the initial cell, are designed to overcome entropy, until the end of life. In accordance with the laws of thermodynamics the chemical processes that take place to support life use up more energy than the life form gets, and more is lost in the process of using it, this is the entropy of the "mechanical" side of life, but entropy also degrades the DNA data, but there is no known way the useful data in the DNA can accidentally increase, that process needs intelligence and manipulation. Living things can make the effort to overcome entropy of the cells, if multi-cellular replacing cells, but there is no way they can upgrade their DNA program, they cannot go beyond the limits of the variability that is already in it. New features or improvements require large amounts of specific, exacting information to define the change, evolution can never provide this, it can only introduce errors and defects, as in the hundreds of types of disease or defects in humans directly attributable to genetic defects.

However it is only the over all entropy of a system and its surroundings, when the surroundings are isolated from any interaction with other outside systems, that can not spontaneously decrease.

In this circumstance entropy can still increase as the usable resources in the system break down and heat evens out in the system. But this reference is not about life, which is the subject under discussion. Also it seems to imply that a "system" can spontaneously decrease of its own accord, but in fact it cannot. The decrease is imposed on it from outside, ie heat or radiation etc, at the expense of another system where entropy is increasing.

As long as an entropy decrease in the system is compensated for by a larger entropy increase in the surroundings, a change is thermodynamically possible

This is misleading. The formula is used for one aspect in the non-living realm, then the results are said to apply to a different aspect in life. Keep in mind that the real discussion should be about entropy as it applies to life.
Radiation from the sun can cause an entropy decrease in non-living substance, if you are just considering the heat, light or radiation, but it does nothing at all to evolve life, unless life already exists in a form that can utilize the heat or light to promote life and growth. In this case the radiation is used by life in complex chemistry, which conforms to the laws of thermodynamics, but the radiation does not cause the decrease in entropy. It is the life, its DNA program and processing ability of the cell that causes the decrease, in the living entity: the radiation is just the fuel for the process. The energy in the radiation is reduced to a lower level of available energy during the process, thus conforming to the thermodynamic laws, while the life form, usually plants, gain a lesser amount of usable chemical energy for their use.

In their arguments, creationists constantly confuse the entropy change of a system, which can spontaneously decrease, with that of a system plus its isolated surroundings, which can not spontaneously decrease. In other words, if the entropy change of the isolated surroundings is greater than the entropy decrease of the system, then the change can take place (although the rate may be extremely slow).

If the "isolated surroundings" are isolated then how can they inter-react with the system to allow or limit the change in entropy, and its direction? Does he mean a system and its surroundings which together form an isolated unit? Even then why would one part of it have a change in entropy different from the rest, particularly a decrease? This needs some clarification, preferably an example that applies to life.
His claim confuses the issue, as you probably think that he is referring to how the laws on thermodynamics operate in living things, since that is what the argument is about, but he isn't. He has switched to the non-living realm where the processes and energy relationships of physical systems, are different, and the aspects that matter are different.

The creationists are correct, it is the evolutionists who confuse themselves because they do not properly define the systems they are talking about, just spout their dogma. The subject the creationists are talking about is life, and the evolutionists do not work out an exact example and its parameters, that apply to life, nor do they define an experiment to show that they have some evidence. Their claim seems to be based on manipulating a mathematical formula about non-living substances, which is not "real world" evidence, concerning living things, but the non-living.

Creationists believe that evolution represents an increased biological complexity, which they interpret as an increase in molecular order.

7 Sounds true enough for this discussion. It needs a meaningful molecular order in the DNA to specify the increased complexity, required for evolution, random changes won't do it, nor will adding solar radiation to non-living material, or even to life forms.
Why doesn't Windows 3.1 perform the same as Windows 98? Because a lot of thought, research, trial and testing went into making the improvements. This is the problem evolutionists cannot explain: how did a similar thing happen in living things to produce perfection in design, in a myriad of complex designs, covering such a vast range, without some intelligent designer.

Based on the above entropy-probability relationship for an ideal gas, creationists claim that evolution would require a spontaneous entropy decrease, which (they claim) would violate the laws of thermodynamics.

The deceitful trap here is that the reference is to formula for an ideal gas, where the aspects being calculated are probably temperature and pressure, but the reference is made to apply it to evolution where the aspects the creationists are referring to, and Frank ought to be debating, is information and design arising without intelligent input. The ideal gas formula does not apply to this, it can never produce information and design. What has gas got to do with solid living biology? Creationists don't lay claims based on an "ideal gas" for living things overcoming entropy. Name one life-form composed entirely of gas (ghosts excepted, as we cannot as yet define them). Evolution would require an increase in information to specify some new feature. Such an increase is contrary to entropy, and also to all observed cases of mutations, which are a loss of information, or the ability to properly use it, or in cases, such as a sheep with an extra leg, an error causes information to be used out of context, which is the corruption of the correct information, the loss of correctness, equals entropy. The creationist claims are not based on an ideal gas, but usually on information technology. You get nothing useful without specifying it, and the information does not come by random errors. Try telling Bill Gates that he shouldn't pay his programmers, because the programs generated themselves by accident, the proof being that some errors still exist in the programs, as the code hasn't yet fully evolved. The code in the simplest DNA is more complex than the Windows program, and it can't re-boot to try again, it's do or die, so it has to be nearly right the first time or it can't survive and reproduce.

Therefore, according to the creationist argument, evolution is impossible.

Since the fossil record shows stasis, even over supposed millions of years, and no intermediates have been found, this is certainly as true as science can get. There have been many claims of intermediates, but they all get downgraded to another species, after further research.
There is a theory of Panspermia, but this is just an attempt to sidestep the issue, by putting the start of life so far away that it cannot be studied, therefore anything can be imagined, without any logical restriction. But it does nothing to suggest how life could start by accident. Also if whales, birds and dinosaurs didn't drift in through space, then they must have evolved here, and there should be transitional fossils showing at least some of the evolution, but stasis is the most obvious characteristic of the record, so evolution couldn't have happened.
Saltation, is the theory that new genetic design builds up by accident, without guidance, then is suddenly expressed in the next generation. Because there is no guidance to decide that now is the time to jump to the new configuration, there should be many oddities and obviously erroneous designs, many of which should be in the fossil record. But everything studied in sufficient detail is of excellent design, so the theory is of no help at all in explaining evolution and the perfection of design in life.
To those with an open mind, who are prepared to investigate all the possibilities, it is obvious that evolution could never happen.

Of course, creationists have a an obvious problem: how then to explain the development of the increased order in the formation of crystalline snowflakes from randomly moving water vapor molecules

This is setting up a false claim. Increased order requires order in respect of some defined parameters such as a purpose for the order (such as eyes or flight feathers or legs, or encoding in some meaningful, usable, way some information). The supposed increase of order in snowflakes has no purpose or formula to give meaning (and evolutionists never explain the order or its meaning and purpose) and therefore cannot be defined as an increase in order, randomness is not order. If there was an increase in order, then it could be decoded, to get a meaning or purpose, but as Frank says, it is formed by randomly moving water molecules, which will obviously give a random result, and every snowflake is different. They are beautiful under a microscope, to our way of thinking, but meaningless, order-less, randomness. The appearance of order is due to the shape of the molecules and the ways they can attach to each other under ideal conditions, stacking neatly to our way of thinking, but it is still a random meaningless assembly process. Evolutionists try to make out that it takes some highly complex explanation, on the same basis as living things overcoming entropy, like the chicken in the egg. But it doesn't need a complex explanation like that, it is too simple. For a fuller explanation see snowflakes.

and the development of a chick from an egg?

Many people don't think this chick development, and crystal formation, out. They have been indoctrinated not to think, but accept dogma as truth. People are able to overcome entropy by building roads, buildings, equipment, improving farmland etc. This is because, besides life, they have the ability to think, imagine and plan, all mental processes, They are able to manipulate materials to form what they have imagined and planned, or get someone else to work according to plans and instructions. Following plans requires effort and the ability to manipulate the materials required, if available, but may not require an understanding of the eventual outcome, or an understanding of part of the plan, or, as mentioned below, at some stages, not even being aware that there is a plan. It is not possible to follow plans or instructions if they were never thought up and specified, so some intelligent being is required to do that. The plans will not materialize by accident, without thought, and cannot be followed unless specified, by demonstration, verbally, written or encoded in some usable way. You can work it out by planning a fence or a house, that you must have life, thought, enough intelligence for the project, knowledge (in your mind) to be able to imagine the plan, and the ability to carry it out physically, if the materials are available. This applies to all living systems, though "simple " life forms may have only life and the DNA program to follow, and the ability to absorb and manipulate materials required for life. Living systems can overcome entropy, and they must do it to stay alive, repairing damage and wear and tear and getting nutrition, to grow and reproduce.
Dogs, squirrels etc. have less communication and planning options. Bees have a good, well defined "dance" to communicate where there is a good place to get pollen. Bacteria may not be able to think, but they can exchange small samples of DNA, does this require thinking or is it done on "auto pilot" of a rigid servo system? How can you tell?

This brings us to the chicken in the egg. The egg contains all the nutrients required, and the fertilized cell has life and can absorb the nutrients, because it is designed to, and has been provided with life, the information and instructions in the DNA program, that runs automatically, manipulating the cell mechanism, to carry out the chemistry required to grow and divide into two cells, and continue growing and dividing. This is done without knowing that there is a program or instructions to follow, and having no concept of the intended outcome.

Plants can overcome 'mechanical' entropy by building large plants and trees, which may last for hundreds of years, but they cannot create an entropy decrease in their DNA by adding design information on their own. Many varieties can be bred by crossing plants, but this is not adding newly-created information, as it is done by combining existing information of two or more plants to get a variation of the design expressed in the subsequent plant.
Occasionally a plant becomes polyploidy, doubling the number of chromosomes, but though this may produce some differences, there were no new specifications, as the chromosomes had already existed in the same or another plant. It is just the result of accidentally combining two lots of existing design, which somehow both exhibit some of their design in the resultant plant. This is not an example of how evolution is claimed to evolve new life forms, as it didn't make up new specifications.

It is still a mystery to us as to how eventually some cells specialise into various organs. How do some cells "know" to become muscle or liver, is this in the DNA, if so, is it in the sections some scientists call "junk DNA"?

This same process applies to humans and bacteria. Life and the necessary facilities and a specialized program for that particular species is provided in the DNA, and the living cell blindly follows the instructions, without knowing the plan or purpose, automatically overcoming entropy for the rest of its life. But how can this be done without instructions that were thought out and planned by a mind and intelligence that had the knowledge and ability to set up the original first cell of each kind (as the fossil record clearly shows stasis, and no intermediates). Claimed intermediates are usually disputed by evolutionists, and eventually downgraded quietly, but kept up in the public arena particularly in schools and universities as if true. Life cannot happen without information! Information cannot happen without thought and knowledge, which is useless without the ability to encode it in a useful usable way. And that takes thought and the simple first cell requires an enormous amount of planning and information, that can never come about by accident. The DNA itself is too complex and is composed in a way that is entirely different to the way the chemicals and enzymes etc. would join up in a "primordial soup" situation, which evolutionists seem to have thoroughly discredited. There is nothing "out there", and never was as far as we can tell, that could do this by accident. It requires thought and planning and manipulative ability.
Life is required to enable the overcoming of entropy and creating complex organisms. This is totally different from structures caused by non-living natural forces that produce icebergs, mountains, valleys, caves, snowflakes, and an ideal gas.
So where did life come from? What is life? Is it a substance? Is it a spiritual force? The difference between living and being dead may be only a fraction of a second, the body hasn't changed, so what left the body that it is now dead?

In the case of the inorganic change (the snowflake), they admit that the laws of thermodynamics in fact do operate in a matter that permits order to arise from disorder, which would seem to contradict their assertion that order can not arise from disorder.

This is repeating the same false claim as in ***8, regarding the random linking of molecules. I am sure they don't admit to any such thing: it would be contrary to the entropy laws (the second law of thermodynamics). Here he again confuses aspects of inorganic materials with the ability of living things to create order as instructed by their DNA. Increased order required for life, is not just a repetition like bricks in a wall, or the neat stacking of molecules as in crystals, but a highly complex arrangement like a computer program.
The supposed increased order in snowflakes, due to the atomic bonding forces drawing water molecules into an orderly crystalline array, without any intelligent guidance as to their position, has no purpose, no information, and therefore cannot be defined as an increase in order in any sense comparable to organised systems involved in life, just automatic neat stacking due to the attracting sites on the atoms pulling towards each other, meaningless assembly does not create designed order.

In the case of the organic change (the chick from the egg), they postulate, with no theoretical or mathematical justification whatever, an "energy conversion mechanism" which "overcomes" the laws of classical thermodynamics.

The statement "they postulate, with no theoretical or mathematical justification whatever," is not true. They have justification for it, you yourself are a proof of it. From a single cell you have assembled a complex being, yourself, following the instructions in your DNA, without your knowledge or guidance, and absorbing untold quantities of nutrients. You can do this while you have life, but eventually entropy will win, and claim back all you physically have. Much of it has already been claimed back as heat loss, shed hair, nails and dead cells, and energy converted into work for movement, digestion etc.
Gathering food, digesting it and converting it to usable nutrients all require energy, and all of the processes obey the laws of thermodynamics, both one and two, and entropy, in that energy is used and lost in the process to get a smaller amount of energy to use for life. This applies to all life, and all of life's chemistry, from viruses up, and always obeys the laws of thermodynamics.
A quote from another web page explains this:-
Energy is usually liberated from the ATP molecule to do work in the cell by a reaction that removes one of the phosphate-oxygen groups, leaving adenosine diphosphate (ADP). When the ATP converts to ADP, the ATP is said to be spent. Then the ADP is usually immediately recycled in the mitochondria where it is recharged and comes out again as ATP. In the words of Trefil (1992, p. 93) “hooking and unhooking that last phosphate [on ATP] is what keeps the whole world operating.”

The total human body content of ATP is only about 50 grams, which must be constantly recycled every day. The ultimate source of energy for constructing ATP is food; ATP is simply the carrier and regulation-storage unit of energy. The average daily intake of 2,500 food calories translates into a turnover of a whopping 180 kg (400 lbs) of ATP (Kornberg, 1989, p. 65).

To get an understanding of this amazing process see:-
ATP: The Perfect Energy Currency for the Cell An easily understood explanation of energy conversion in your cells.

This is where evolutionists go wrong, because they don't like anything that may show that life is too complex to be an accident: they don't research the true complexities of life, and try to pass off the results of their research as evidence for evolution, without fully understanding it. Hence Frank's insistence that creationists don't show an "energy conversion mechanism" which "overcomes" the laws of classical thermodynamics." but here it is in detail for all to see! And it does conform to the laws of thermodynamics!
Here at the page just referenced is an explanation of the energy transfer and replacement processes that run rapidly in every cell in your body, but the "dyed in the wool" evolutionist won't read about it in case they have to change their views, as it is usually the creationists who point out the problems. The evolutionists prefer to believe in their "energy to information conversion factor", of solar radiation, which nobody can explain.

Any chemical or physical changes involving thermodynamics, whether inorganic, organic, or biological, has to be accompanied by some kind of energy conversion mechanism.

As I have explained above, the energy conversion mechanism is "life and a DNA program" that sets up the "factory" in every living cell, and in larger creatures and plants, whatever digestive or nutrient-absorbing process they use, always in accordance with the laws of thermodynamics and entropy, using some of the energy obtained for the processing and distribution of the nutrients.

Next Page, energy to information conversion. That's what evolutionists need.

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